Privacy Policy

This website is developed and managed by Anglia CPR, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

We are currently operating as a Sole Trader.

This privacy statement explains our information and data protection practices, including how we use your information

The type of personal information we collect:

We currently collect and process the following information: first and last name and contact details. We may also collect your title, job title and company name, workplace name, email address, postal address, phone number and other similar contact data. For our regulated first aid courses we will also require date of birth and gender. For requalification courses we also ask to see evidence of existing certification, such as certificate number/Unique Learner Number. We may also collect photographs for our social media and marketing with your permission.

How we get the personal information and why we have it:

We collect this information to help us operate effectively and to provide you with the best interaction possible with Anglia CPR. We collect information in order to provide services, information and administration related to your training with us, and to assist in answering any questions or queries you may have submitted. You provide some of this data directly, for example, in completing online forms, contact via email, telephone or via attendance registers. We may ask for more information, such as address and phone number, but we will only ask for the information we need to help you with your enquiry and training booking. Some information is collected automatically when you visit our website.

Our website collects information on site use including cookies and analytics. This enables us to understand website interaction and to improve our services. Cookies are small files saved to the user's computer’s hard drive that track, save and store information about the user's interactions and usage of the website. This allows the website, through its server to provide the users with a tailored experience within this website. Users are advised that if they wish to deny the use and saving of cookies from this website on to their computers hard drive they should take necessary steps within their web browsers security settings to block all cookies from this website and its external serving vendors. Our website is powered by SquareSpace and their privacy policy can be found here. Our Images are supplied by Unsplash and their privacy policy can be found here

How we use this information:

In addition to the above, we will use this information to communicate with you regarding your training requirements, subsequent bookings and to perform a contract with you. We will communicate with you to provide information related to your booking with us and to process payments. We will carry out surveys and in course feedback in order to help us improve our services. We will use your information to produce course certificates and to email them to you. We may use your information for our own marketing purposes, where we have your permission.

Sharing of information

We share this information if we are required to do so by Law or in the event of Safeguarding.

For First Aid courses, information will be passed to our partner ProTrainings Europe Limited and entered onto the system for training or class registration, for qualification and certification, and for internal quality assurance purposes. This information is required to provide training and to obtain the relevant information required to deliver that training. It will also facilitate:
- Creation an online and account for the learner to access the course materials including on the day test
- Course Certification
- For the learner to complete a online course evaluation

We will ask you to confirm that as the employer you have permission from your employees to do so.

We may ask for sensitive data, in order to make, where necessary, reasonable adjustments / classroom adaptations to ensure your safety and accessibility to the course. We will ask your explicit consent for processing this informations.

Please note this information will be processed in accordance with GDPR regulations. Their privacy policy can be found here

We will keep your information only for:

To comply with Law, as long as we need it to effectively manage our contract and relationship with you and to provide you with the services and information you require. We will also keep information in order for us to meet our administration and tax requirements. You information is stored securely.

Consent to processing:

If you have consented to the collection and processing of information for a specific purpose(s), you have the right to withdraw your consent for that specific processing at any time. Please contact us via email Under data protection laws you have rights in relation to your personal data that include the right to request access, correction, erasure, restriction, transfer, to object to processing and (where the lawful ground of processing is consent) to withdraw consent. You can see more about these rights at:

Chain of Survival image kindly permitted for reproduction by the Resuscitation Council UK ref: AR230525